

What is 1st, 2nd & 3rd Degree Connections in LinkedIn?

In LinkedIn, you  will find such words like 1st Degree connection of Yours. It's nothing but how that person is close to you in terms of People.

So, to Understand this concept you need to have a LinkedIn Account.

If you haven't then create it yet, then Create it right Now by Clicking here

So, Let's try to understand this very simple Concept of LinkedIn...

Let's Suppose there are total 5 people on LinkedIn whose name is like X, Y, Z, A, B.

Assume that, Other than these no other people is using LinkedIn on planet Earth.

I'll get explain by using that above variable.

So, Let's get Started,

1st Degree Connections means

Let say X is on profile of Y,

So, X was seen that "1st degree" that means,

X & Y are friend, like Facebook friends.

1st Degree Connections | MarketingMetro.blgospot.com

2nd Degree Connections means

Let say X is viewing the profile of Z,

X was seen that 2nd Degree on profile of Z that means,

X has one friend whose name is Y. Y and Z are friend like X & Y.

So X has relation with Z via Y .

This is known as 2nd Degree Connection.

2nd Degree Connections | MarketingMetro.blgospot.com

3rd Degree Connections means

As per Above,

X has relation with Z as 2nd Degree Connection.

Let say there is A who is Close friend(1st Degree Connection) of Z ( like X with Y ) then,

X would seen that "3rd Degree" connection.

It is very Confusing to Understand, but by the time you will get to know as you use LinkedIn.

3rd Connections | MarketingMetro.blgospot.com

3rd+ connections means

As you have seen X has 3rd Degree connection with A via Y & Z.

Assume that A & B are Close friend(1st Degree Connection) like X & Y.

B has Only 1 friend whose name is A.

So, X will see 3rd+ on Profile of B via Y, Z & A.

3rd+ Connections | MarketingMetro.blgospot.com

Sorry for confusing little bit. 

Anyway, I hope you got my Point...

but if you didn't then sorry for that.

You will understand this very soon by yourself, So Chill :) ❄️

That's all for today's Article.

Thank a lot for reading till here.

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